Connecting Android to Oracle: The Ultimate Guide for Seamless Integration.(android连接oracle)


Connecting an Android device to an Oracle database is a crucial part of any application development. With Oracle, developers can not only gain access to huge amounts of structured data, but also leverage its fast databases for quick data access, convenient scalability, and reliable security. In this guide, we’ll show you the best practices for integrating an Android application with an Oracle database.


Before you start, make sure to have the following prerequisites in place:

• An Android device with the latest version of the operating system

• The latest version of the Oracle Database installed on a compatible computer

• A basic knowledge of SQL

Set up the Application

Once the prerequisites are in place, the first step is to create a new Android application. Create a new project in Android Studio and configure its data binding using XML.

Now, add a JDBC driver to the project dependencies in the gradle file. You can find the required driver for the version of Oracle online, or use the version of the driver available on GitHub.

Next, you have to configure the application’s Data Source Name (DSN). This is a special string that identifies the data source you’re connecting to.

To configure the DSN, open the Oracle Database Administration Panel from your Oracle installation, and find the “Data Sources” section. Once there, create a new DSN for the application and save it.

Connecting to the Database

Now that the DSN is configured, it’s time to connect the application to the Oracle database.

To do this, start by creating a Connection object using the proper JDBC driver class. The code below shows how to do this:


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:oracle:thin:@DNS-Name:Port-Number:DBName”, “username”, “password”);

The connection URL consists of the DSN, port number, and database name. You can also add the username and password for the database if needed.

Performing Queries in Android

Once the connection is established, you can now start querying the Oracle database. You can use the SQL query syntax to execute commands in the database. To execute the query, create a Statement object from the Connection object and use it to call the executeQuery() method.

Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM table_name”);

The executeQuery() method sends the query to the database and returns a ResultSet object with the results. You can then use the ResultSet object to iterate through the query results and extract the data.


Connecting an Android application to an Oracle database is an essential step in any application development process. In this guide, we covered the steps to setting up an Android application, configuring its data source, and connecting it to an Oracle database. By following these steps, you can quickly and easily integrate your Android application with an Oracle database.