
Oracle is a widely used relational database management system developed by Oracle Corporation.It is designed for high-performance database user experience.When users utilize Oracle database for data retrieval and storage, they often use the built-in functions to trim the specified characters of the string.This article introduces two methods to trim the character in Oracle database.

1. Using replace function

The replace function is used to replace all instances of the specified string. Users can utilize the replace function to trim the character off the string.For example:


select replace(‘AAAABBBB’, ‘BBBB’) from dual;

The result of the above replace query is: AAAA.
2. Using trim function

The trim function can be used to remove characters from the left or right of a string .If the specified character is not present in the string, it returns the original string.For example:

select trim('AAAABAAA','A') from dual;

The result of the above trim query is: BB.

The above two methods have described the methods to trim specific character from a string in Oracle. The functions are available for Oracle database users for both simple and complex operations.

Hope this article can help you when you are dealing with trimming character from string in Oracle Database.Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions.