MySQL Load Data: A Quick Tutorial(mysqlloaddata)

MySQL is widely used to store and manage data. In this quick tutorial, I will demonstrate how to load data into a MySQL database. By following the steps I will provide in this guide, you should be able to launch the job successfully and contribute the data you had prepared.

First, before you begin the load data process, you need to prepare the data that you want to load. It could be a CSV (comma-separated values) file or a text file. It could also be several files, as long as this is the required format.

Second, create a MySQL table that will store the data you’re about to load. This step is very important because if your data is not properly formatted for the table into which you need to insert them, you will face loading problems.

Third, you are going to need to execute the ‘LOAD DATA’ statement. This command is used to load data from your data files into the corresponding fields in the table. The syntax for this command is as follows:


Here, the first argument to this command is the path to the file you’d like to load. You can specify the fully qualified path or relative path of the file. The second argument is the name of the table in which we want to store the data. Then, we specify the delimeter and the enclosure used in the file. Finally, we specify the type of the line terminator.

Note that the ‘LOAD DATA’ statement can also bulk load binary data and it also supports several types of upload operations, like REPLACE, IGNORE, and others.

Fourth, in order to be able to monitor the loading process, you can also specify a file which is to contain information about any errors that may occur during processing, such as duplicate entries, incorrect data types, etc. The syntax for this is as follows:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'my_data.txt' [OPTIONS...] ERRORS INTO my_table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (field1, field2, field3...)

Finally, once the ‘LOAD DATA’ command is launched, MySQL will determine that the data needs to be loaded into the specified table and it will begin the process. Generally, the loading process is completed in a matter of seconds, depending on the size of the data that needs to be loaded.

As you can see, by following these steps, you can easily use the ‘LOAD DATA’ command to quickly load data into your MySQL database. However, make sure that you have correctly formatted your data files, otherwise, loading the data to your database will not be possible.