How to Fix MYSQL Error 1239 and Keep Your Database Running Smoothly(mysql1239)

MySQL Error 1239, who cannot avoid it when using MySQL database! It reads like this: “Error 1239 (42000): Access denied; you need the CONVERT_ERROR_TO_WARNING_WITH_QUERY_LOGGING system privilege to be able to log such warnings”

This error appears when a user attempts to use a SET SQL statement without the proper privileges. This statement is used to change the value of global variables in the database, such as the character set or query logging settings. If a user has an insufficient privilege level, such as after a database restore, they will likely encounter this error.

Fortunately, it’s easy to fix MySQL Error 1239. Here I’ll share with you the steps to follow.

1. Login to your database by using the root user or another user with administrative privileges.

2. Execute the below given statement to grant the privilege:



3. Replace “user_name” and “host_name” with the actual names given for your user and host.

4. Flush access privileges from the system


These four steps should help you fix MySQL Error 1239 and keep your database running smoothly. However, if you experience any further difficulty, try consulting with your web host’s support team or a Database Administrator (DBA).

From a security perspective, it is important to note that granting the above privilege should be treated with caution since it could potentially affect database logs. It is recommended that you only grant the privilege to users who need to use the SET SQL statement, rather than blindly granting it to all users.

I hope this article has been helpful in understanding MySQL Error 1239 and how to fix it. With the steps outlined above, you can now avoid this annoying error and keep your database running smoothly.