入一步到位从Oracle 11简单导入到Oracle 10(oracle11导10)

In-Depth Guide: Easy Migration from Oracle 11 to Oracle 10

Oracle Database is a powerful tool that provides scalable, reliable, and high-performance data management for enterprise-level applications. However, sometimes you may need to migrate your Oracle 11 database to Oracle 10. This may happen because of various reasons, such as compatibility issues, hardware or software limitations, or licensing costs. In this article, we will guide you through a strghtforward process to migrate your Oracle 11 database to Oracle 10 without any data loss or corruption.

Step 1: Verify Compatibility

Before you start the migration process, you need to ensure that your Oracle 11 database is compatible with Oracle 10. To do this, you can run the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (preupgrd.sql) provided by Oracle. This tool will identify any potential issues that might prevent a successful migration. You can download the tool from the Oracle Support website.

Step 2: Generate a Full Database Export

Once you have verified compatibility, the next step is to generate a full database export of your Oracle 11 database. This export will contn all the schema objects, data, and metadata of your database. You can use the Data Pump Export utility to generate the export file. Here’s an example command:

“`expdp system/manager directory=EXPORT_DIR dumpfile=full_exp.dmp logfile=full_exp.log full=y“`

This command will create a full database export file called full_exp.dmp and a log file called full_exp.log in the directory EXPORT_DIR.

Step 3: Convert the Export File to Oracle 10 Format

After you have generated the export file, the next step is to convert it to Oracle 10 format. You can use the Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) to convert the export file. Here’s how you can do it:

– Install the DMU tool from the Oracle Technology Network website.

– Open the DMU tool and select “File” -> “Open Migration Repository” -> “New Repository” to create a new repository.

– Select “File” -> “Open Migration Repository” -> “Connect” to connect to your Oracle 11 database.

– Select “File” -> “Open Migration Repository” -> “Repository Assistant” and follow the wizard to create a new migration project.

– Select “File” -> “Open Migration Repository” -> “Repository Assistant” -> “Migration Job” and follow the wizard to create a new migration job.

– Select “Tools” -> “Migrate Export Dump” and follow the wizard to convert your export file to Oracle 10 format.

Step 4: Import the Converted Export File into Oracle 10

The final step is to import the converted export file into Oracle 10. You can use the Data Pump Import utility to import the file. Here’s an example command:

“`impdp system/manager directory=IMPORT_DIR dumpfile=full_exp_10.dmp logfile=full_imp.log full=y“`

This command will import the converted export file called full_exp_10.dmp and create a log file called full_imp.log in the directory IMPORT_DIR.


Migrating from Oracle 11 to Oracle 10 might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done easily and without any data loss or corruption. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration of your Oracle database.