Oracle 视图 V$QMON_TASK_STATS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明
V$QMON_TASK_STATS是Oracle Enterprise Manager提供的一个动态性能视图,用于监控管理工具Data Guard Broker运行的数据库任务的运行时间、空闲时间、完成百分比等性能指标。
SELECT task_name, task_timestamp, idle_time, running_time
FROM v$qmon_task_stats;
displays information and statistics based on different queue monitor tasks in the system (spilling, time manager activity, and so on). There is one row per kind of task. The rows are deleted when the database (or instance in an Oracle RAC environment) restarts. Column | Datatype | Description |
| Name of the task |
| Type of the task |
| Unique task number last created for this task |
| Number of tasks currently present |
| Cumulative task run time |
| Cumulative task runs |
| Cumulative failures |
| Type of metric gathered for this task type |
| Value of this metric |
| Last failure encountered while executing this type of task |
| Time when the last failure occurred |
| Task number of the last failed task for this task |
| Remarks about the task |
| The ID of the container to which the data pertains. The |