Oracle 视图 ALL_ANALYTIC_VIEW_DIM_ATTRS 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明
1.选择视图:SELECT * FROM all_analytic_view_dim_attrs;
2.通过视图的列查询:SELECT code_seq, attr_value, attr_name FROM all_analytic_view_dim_attrs WHERE dim_name = ‘gender’;
3.在查询语句中使用WHERE子句来限定要检索的维度,例如WHERE dim_name = ‘gender’;
4.使用ORDER BY子句来按照你想要的顺序排列维度属性,例如ORDER BY code_seq DESC;
5.使用GROUP BY子句来聚集维度属性,例如GROUP BY attr_name;
6.使用HAVING子句在将要聚集的维度中进一步指定要检索的数据,例如HAVING attr_name LIKE ‘%Female’
describes the attributes of the attribute dimensions in the analytic views accessible to the current user.
Related Views
describes the attributes of the attribute dimensions in all analytic views in the database.USER_ANALYTIC_VIEW_DIM_ATTRS
describes the attributes of the attribute dimensions in the analytic views owned by the current user. This view does not display theOWNER
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
| Owner of the analytic view |
| Name of the analytic view |
| Alias of the attribute dimension in the analytic view |
| NOT NULL | The name of the attribute within the analytic view |
| Alias of the source table for the attribute |
| NOT NULL | Name of the column |
| NOT NULL | Order of the attribute as defined in the metadata |
| The ID of the container where the data originates. Possible values include:
This view is available starting with Oracle Database 21c.
See Also: