ORA-39159: cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-39159: cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process

Cause: Called a Data Pump process model function from a process which is not a Data Pump process.

Action: Refer to any other error messages for additional information. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.


这暗示着当数据库客户端(可能是某些版本的SQL * Plus)非Data Pump API尝试调用数据泵必需的函数时会发生的错误。 这意味着除Data Pump外的其他工具无法直接调用API。


1. 在尝试调用数据泵API时,必须确保Data Pump API正确安装,并且它已被分配给您的用户名;

2. 检查从其他客户端(如SQL * Plus)尝试调用Data Pump API的语句;

3. 使用Data Pump API命令(如EXPDP和IMPDP),而不是使用其他工具;

4. 如果还是出错,可以把错误报告发给Oracle技术支持部门以获得更多帮助。