ORA-31618: FILESIZE is outside valid range of stringKB to stringTB ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-31618: FILESIZE is outside valid range of stringKB to stringTB

Cause: The value specified for the FILESIZE parameter was either too small to hold the header information for the export file, plus any data, or exceeded the allowed maximum size for a dump file.

Action: Retry the operation using a value for FILESIZE that falls within the valid range.

ORA-31618: FILESIZE 错误指示文件尺寸超出有效范围,有效范围为字符串KB到字符串TB。ORACLE会在用户尝试执行诸如Create Datafile或者ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE等创建文件时发出此错误。

ORA-31618 错误出现的常见原因是用户在创建文件时,指定的文件尺寸超过了块大小的最大值(64TB),超过此范围ORACLE 就会发出ORA-31618错误。
