ORA-13044: the specified tile size is smaller than the tolerance ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-13044: the specified tile size is smaller than the tolerance

Cause: The tile size specified for fixed size tessellation is smaller than the tolerance as specified in the layer metadata.

Action: See the Oracle Spatial documentation for an explanation of tiling levels, tile size, and tiling resolution. Ensure that the tiling parameters are set such that any generated tile is always larger than or equal to a tile at the maximum level of resolution. This can be achieved by using a fewer number of tiles per geometric object or specifying a smaller tile size value than the current one.

ORA-13044 错误表明,指定的Tile Size小于容差。


ORA-13044 Invalid Tiling: Tile size is smaller than tolerance.

该错误表示指定的tile size(分块大小)小于容错范围(Tolerance)。此错误是在ArcSDE 10.0版本中新增加的一个构造错误,它改变了构造按行列号方式构造的默认行为。该错误被定义成一个地理空间对象的tile size和容错率的中间阈值的警告。


例如,某个地理空间对象有一个tile size为10,如果容错率为4,那么它将发出该错误。


1. 检查tile size是否小于容错率(Tolerance)

2. 调整tile size,使之大于容差

3. 重新构造地理空间对象