ORA-00037: cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-00037: cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group

Cause: An attempt was made to switch to a session in a different server group. This is not allowed.

Action: Make sure the server switches to a session that belongs to its server group.


Error Code: ORA-00037

English Message: “Cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group”


常见案例:当您尝试在Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)环境中切换到不属于同一服务器组的会话时,可能会遇到此错误。


  1. 检查您是否有权切换到所请求的会话。

  2. 确保您正在连接到属于同一服务器组的数据库实例。

  3. 如果问题仍然存在,请检查RAC环境配置是否正确。


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