ORA-30465: supplied run_id is not valid: string ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-30465: supplied run_id is not valid: string

Cause: There are three possible causes: The specified run_id does not exist; the run_id was created by another user other than the current user; the run_id has already been used.

Action: Call DBMS_OLAP.CREATE_ID to create a new id

ORA-30465 表示提供的run_id无效,是一种由独立表达式服务(IES)及引擎激活服务(EAS)抛出的一种错误,通常表示提供的run_id不合法,可能出现以下几种情况:

1. 提供的run_id不是一个有效的字符串,而不是一个数字。

2. 提供的run_id不存在,即存在于数据库中的run_id不是有效的run_id。


1. 检查提供的run_id的数据类型是否合法,必须是一个字符串。

2. 检查数据库中是否存在提供的run_id,若不存在则创建一个新的run_id,以解决此错误。