ORA-26920: string outbound server “string” has been stopped. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-26920: string outbound server “string” has been stopped.

Cause: The specified outbound server was stopped.

Action: Execute START_OUTBOUND procedure to restart the outbound server or execute OCIXStreamOutAttach function to reattach to the outbound server.

ORA-26920的官方解释是:string outbound server “string” has been stopped。这是因为服务器拒绝了outbound服务请求或者outbound服务已经停止。



1. 首先检查outbound服务是否已经停止,如果是,则重新启动服务;

2. 检查服务器之间的网络连接,确保两个服务器之间能够正常通信;

3. 检查Oracle服务器上的端口是否开放,如果未开放,请开放端口;

4. 如果一切正常,可以尝试更新软件安装文件,以解决与此相关的任何其他问题。