ORA-02700: osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-02700: osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID

Cause: Two-task driver could not find the value of ORACLE_SID in the environment.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_SID environment variable has been properly set and exported.



ORA-02700: osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID

Cause: The execution of the OID administration program osnoraenv failed because the operating system could not find the specified ORACLE_SID.

Action: Verify that the ORACLE_SID is set in the environment and is currently available to the operating system.


在操作系统中没有正确设置ORACLE_SID时,就会出现ORA-02700:osnoraenv:error translating ORACLE_SID的错误。


1. 首先建议检查系统中的ORACLE_SID是否已经正确设置;

2. 如果没有设置,请在用户操作系统中设置正确的ORACLE_SID变量;

3. 使用ORACLE_HOME/bin目录中提供的oracleenv或osnoraenv程序来设置ORACLE_SID;

4. 命令行示例:export ORACLE_SID=;

5. 重启服务器后,登录数据库验证ORACLE_SID变量是否被正确设置。