事件Redis Java: Implementing an Expiration Event.(redisjava过期)

Introducing Redis Java

Redis Java is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is used for building high-performance, distributed applications. It efficiently stores data in memory and is commonly used for caching and asynchronous, event-driven architectures. It is also used for implementing notifications, task queues, and online gaming applications. In this article, we will explore how to implement an expiration event using Redis Java.


Redis Java implements an “expiry event” by using a set of keys called an “expiry keyset”. When a key is added to the expiry keyset, a time-based event will be triggered at the expiration time. The expiration time can be set in microseconds or milliseconds, depending on the setting. When the set expiry time is reached, the Redis Java will run the corresponding command or script in its implementation of the expiration event.

Implementing an Expiration Event

To implement an expiration event using Redis Java, it is important to use the SETEX command to set the key, along with an expiration time. For example, to set a key for an expiration event that should occur after two seconds:

SETEX key “value” 2

This will set the key to “value”, and it will expire after two seconds.

After setting the key, the next step is to create the Expiry Keyset, which is a set of keys that are monitored for expiration events. To create the Expiry Keyset, use the SADD command.

SADD expiryKeys key1

This command adds the key1 to the Expiry Keyset. You can also add multiple keys to the Expiry Keyset in one command:

SADD expiryKeys key1 key2 key3

The next step is to register the Expiry Keyset in the Redis Java command line interface (CLI). To do this, use the REGISTER command.

REGISTER expiryKeys

The REGISTER command returns a timestamp which can be used to check the expiration time of the registered keyset.

The final step is to use the GET and GETEX commands to set commands or scripts to be executed when the expiration time is reached. For example, if the key1 should become invalid after two seconds, use the GETEX command to run a command or script when the expiration time of two seconds is reached for the key1:

GETEX key1 “command or script”


In this article, we have explored how to implement an expiration event using Redis Java. We discussed how to set the key, create the expiry keyset, register the key, and then set commands or scripts to be executed when the expiration time is reached. By implementing expiration events in Redis Java, developers can ensure the integrity of their data and applications by setting limits on data validity.